Universal Solidarity Network

A Vision for the Future We Can Believe In

Universal Solidarity Network Crypto Framework

Earthcare, Homecare and Personal Care are the three overlapping and unifying endeavors of the Universal Solidarity Network (USN) community.

Weʼre a community of social entrepreneurs building the infrastructure of the new world.

We are a Chaordic Financial Sociocracy.

We are building a community-based economy with a value add mentality.

Mission Values:

Compassion Inspiring Excellence

Envision Your World

Investing In Each Other, Together

Relax into Success

The Universal Wallet

Crypto Consolidation and Community Support Decentralized Application (3CS dApp)

USNC Univeral Solidarity Network Coin ~ publicly traded crypto currency - protocol governed by Proof of Stake (PoS) - this is considered a non-membership stake in USNC and the USN community by stakeholder investors

PIF Crypto Savings Token (CST) ~ Pay It Forward tokens, pif tokens, pifs - protocol governed by Proof of Mint (PoM) - this is considered a membership stake in the value of community itself by member investors

“Trading USNC makes you a friend of the USN community. Holding that pif makes us a community...”

Membership to USN requires holding at least one mint-condition (non-exchange traded) pif token in the Universal Wallet for more than 89 consecutive days. As long as a whole mint-condition Pif is always held in the USN exchange, membership is maintained.

A Pif is Born

Pifs are only minted one at a time, in whole. The Universal Wallet acts as a crypto exchange, allowing non-members to accumulate fractionally, until the price of a PIF CST (pif, for short) is met.

USN Coin acts as a free market consolidator, redistributer and stakeholder of all crypto asset value.

Pifs are the community backed digital commodity. Every memberʼs first pif is a hard coded e-coin.

Pifs are minted by consolidating customer assets into a community backed crypto savings token by market mediation through USNC within the Universal Wallet.

The only way to validate Pifs is within the USN decentralized trading and savings platform (Universal Wallet) platform using USN Coin.

Outreach happens through the Universal Wallet, market mediation by USNC, and paying out interest and dividends in USNC to member stakeholders and investors.

Pifs can be publicly traded on any free market exchange by all USN affiliated personnel, organizations and members. There are some caveats: pifs are NEVER traded algorithmically, and, whenever possible, by OTC.

Stakeholder investors in USNC take on market risks in return for market freedom, while member investors provide market stability in return for collective security.

A percentage of profits from all minting of pifs goes to staking USNC and membership dividends, and is considered a universal transaction fee (UTF) and paid out through USN in USN Coin.

USN will hold the cash equivalent in market value of all Pif holdings in USNC, which is in turn backed by the total aggregate of coin consolidated by minting of pif, as collateral against systemic disruption, with stakeholder-investors assuming bulk of risk, creating natural incentive to innovate with USNC by market speculators, as well as incentivizing holding pifs for member investors.

According to the terms of membership, voting privileges require holding one mint- condition pif in a USN digital wallet for more than 89 consecutive days. Only one vote per member.

Minting PIF holdings means you are paying it forward to yourself and others through membership dividends. Dividends are allotted to members according to the amount of mint-condition pifs they hold.

A Different Way of Doing Business

PIFs can be traded fractionally but they cannot be minted fractionally. Minting only happens as a community through the USN. The savings value can only be extracted from a pif token within the Universal Wallet platform.

The USN community will effectively be giving stakeholder investors a variable rate APR on their USNC holdings, depending on market saturation and price of minting fees at the time, the price of which will be determined by membership votes held every year from first minting forward. The fee will be weighted according to the relative market value of the basket of currencies that USN is holding to back and grow USNC reserves at any given time.

USN will not sell crypto used in minting of pifs, instead holding and creatively repurposing legacy crypto as needed, ultimately building strategic reserves and organically developed systems with multiple layers of use cases that will sustain the USN community in the long run by supporting the functionality of the Universal Wallet and market integration of USNC.

USN Crypto Concern Seed Circle Priorities

  • Increase memberhip crypto holdings

  • Research and develop innovative use cases for various types of crypto held

  • Develop communities around profitable use cases, focusing on building dynamic governance and resiliency

  • Develop markets for new use cases

  • Leverage crypto debt to build real estate and capital holdings tied to new use cases for existing crypto

  • Find limits of current coin use

  • Create new coins for unmet crypto needs of communities, markets, and various business sectors, focusing on integrating dynamic governance and resiliency into business processes

A variety of new use cases for crypto might include:

Climate Coins - coin tied to sustainable development of business financials and infrastructure

Crux Coin - asset tied to finding balance across crypto bulls and bears horizontally, as well as institutional and small investors vertically

Permacoin - a coin that correlates food pricing with true resource costs of cultivation, processing and transportation within entire food economy

Urule Coin - integrated coin based customer relations and membership feedback service

Copyright 2020 Christopher Dalton ~ All Rights Reserved